

Generational Transitions: Down-sizing versus right sizing

Generational Transitions: Down-sizing versus right sizing

Home Downsizing vs Right-sizing?

What's the difference between Downsizing verses Right-sizing Your Home for you and your families needs? That's a big question which encompasses many answers all unique to individuals and their families. Downsizing may be sell everything fast and move into an elder care home; others may define downsizing as decluttering, sorting, giving items to family, donating then selling to move.

Right-sizing is often a process of staying home, "thinning things out", simply organizing things to make more liveable.

Many in our community know me as a chef having served thousands of guests in the last several decades. The time came when re-inventing myself to continue serving others in a unique way evolving after helping my family move from a large traditional 5 bedroom home to an easily accessible, one story condo.

Downsizing often creates a negative connotation when one mentions. Instead of being interrupted as "end of independence or next step to life ended" one should change their mindset well before its time to downsize. This process in life is like working a big puzzle only your pieces are getting smaller and less to maneuver in your daily life. Typically, once you decide to downsize you are also packing your bags to move into retirement communities. These locations are determined by you, not requiring fast decisions by your adult children or grandchildren.

Think of this ... you still get to decide what to keep, donate, dispose of before others come into your home not knowing the history of a family item or that treasure you brought back from traveling. There are many ways to preserve those stories as well during the downsizing process. This is the stage in living that you sell your home, movers arrive and you move into your new home. A home organizer is ready to help you set up your new space.

You can start well before downsizing is required thru the concept of right-sizing. This includes gathering items you no longer use therefore no longer need. Do you have double of one item, multiples of others maybe some more updated, too many rolls of yarn or quilting material, a collection of clocks and the list can go on endlessly. Work first on one section of the room, room by room and begin with decluttering. Ask your family and friends what items they want and give them a deadline to get the items out of your house. You will start to see more space in your home and move room to walk, play with your pets and entertain. Right-sizing may also include buying a vacation home in the mountains or on the beach.

Instead of buying more items to decorate those homes, then categorize what you already own and decorate. You can also share those "hand me downs / re-gifting" to family, friends and neighbors. This allows you to know the item will be used and still cared for yet its out of your home. Right-sizing includes taking that old hutch and converting to another purpose to utilize space.

There is no magical age to right-size or downsize; however, most start in their early 60s. I'm an only child with no children, so I right-size seasonally knowing no one will be available when my time comes to downsize.

We will dive more in-depth in upcoming articles about how you can downsize, right-size and organize offered thru DavidsonLocal.

Melissa Darr

Generational Transitions

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