

Additional summer food resources announced through the SUN programs

Additional summer food resources announced through the SUN programs

It is sad to know how many children and teens depend on school meals to feed them daily. For many, the only nutritional meal that they receive is in school, daily. What do these children and teens do when school is out either for the weekend or moreover, for the summer vacation? The answer is, most of them do not eat. Or they supplement nutritional meals with convenient processed foods.

Families now have more ways to get the nutrition they need in summer when school meals aren’t available. USDA’s SUN programs offer convenient, flexible options to help kids reach their full potential.

Last week, the SUN Programs was announced and will be providing benefit that offers families $120 per eligible child in the summer. In addition to SUN Bucks there are also other resources available to make sure that all children and teens have access to food at all times.

SUN Meals To-Go are available to children and teens for delivery and pick up. The USDA is making SUN Meals more convenient. If you live in a rural community where SUN Meals are hard to access, you may be able to get SUN Meals To-Go. This means you can get summer meals for your kids picked up or delivered to your home at no cost. Please use the following site finder to locate meals near you:

Sun Meals are also available at numerous neighborhood locations. Free meals and snacks are available to all kids 18 and under at schools, parks and other eligible locations. No application needed and you can find meal sites in your community with the following Summer Meal Site FInder:

Please help a child or teen locate resources so that no one goes hungry in our county. For more information please visit the website at

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