

Rest in God’s goodness

What happens when we do not get enough rest for our souls?

Jesus encouraged his disciples to get away and rest for a while, after they had returned from their mission trip, “Come away to a deserted place.” We too should always find time to rest in God’s goodness. Let us remember spiritual rest equips us to continue to do the work, which we are called to do. Matthew 11:28-39, teaches us “Come to me all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens. And I will give you rest, Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart. And you will find rest for your souls.” That’s enough to rejoice for!

Rest in God’s goodness, trust God with all of your troubles and fears. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, rest in God’s goodness.

When was the last time you took a day off from the cares of this world?

Please remember that there’s a difference between taking a day off and taking a day to rest. Rest is freedom from work, toil. Your body is at rest when it ceases to move. Your mind is at rest when it ceases to be disturbed.

On the Seventh day God rested. We should not equate God’s rest with inactivity. When we rest in God’s goodness, we should know that God created us to enjoy him and his creation. True rest only comes through Jesus.

Finding time to rest in God’s goodness frees us to enjoy things as we live from day to day. Resting in God’s goodness allows us to quiet ourselves before Him. When you rest in God's goodness, remember the Sabbath is a day set apart from all the other days. The Sabbath was designed to be the rest day for God’s people; a day of ceasing to work. Notice that God said, it is a Holy day.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember that when you rest in God’s goodness, rest from physical labor, rest from fear, worry and anxiety.

Take the time to rest in God’s goodness. Rest in your Salvation.

May God So Richly Bless!

{Image: Stock}

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