

United We're Strong Series: Special Olympics

United We're Strong Series: Special Olympics

Each year, there are countless holidays and events to which to look forward. Lively festivals to attend, gatherings to be held, reunions to be celebrated. Annual events have always been a staple in human culture, something to look forward to and to celebrate one another in each other's company. One event in particular is the Special Olympics, held together by a coalition of people with the goal to uplift disabled people through sports.

Special Olympics Davidson County is a branch of a foundation dedicated to hosting and supporting events known as the aforementioned Special Olympics. Historically, the entire foundation was founded by a woman named Eunice Kennedy Shriver in 1968. Yes, THOSE Kennedys. She was a pioneer in the historical struggle for the acceptance and rights of disabled people in the US. Eventually, a branch for North Carolina specifically was set up in 1970, starting with 400 participants and growing to nearly 40,000 of all ages. It became one of the largest and most recognized Special Olympics programs supporting people with intellectual disabilities. 

The games have always been a lighthearted and friendly competition, something to motivate the athletes, keep them active and to overall make the day an amazing and memorable one for everyone involved. All of this is done with the help and support of United Way. 

United Way is an international organization, founded in 1887 by a group of people intent on championing and uplifting people in the community with academic, financial and emotional support. All in the way of scholarships, advisory counseling, mental health professionals and by opening gateways to helpful opportunities for people in need. Nationwide, United Way supports over 1,800 local nonprofit affiliates, all with the clear goal in mind to better and contribute towards the improvement of the community as a whole.

United Way offers financial support to the Davidson County Special Olympics, bestowing a charitable amount of money so they can purchase the necessary supplies to make the events successful and enjoyable for the participants. United Way's support is wide-spanning, fostering the making and setting up of events for over 20 different sports, ranging from tennis to gymnastics to bowling! 

It is not only tournaments and events that are offered, year-round training and competition are as well. All free of charge thanks to the help of generous individuals, businesses and foundations such as United Way, which provides the monetary assets and time to fund and employ training facilities, awards, transportation, uniforms, equipment and employees. There are many positions available in the Special Olympics that provide opportunities for one to become involved in the organization of events without the donation of finances. There are volunteer and coaching positions available to the public to help in the making and setting up of events. With positions in volunteering ranging from helping with central office work to the check-ins and specific venue overseeing. Coaching opportunities are available in every sport, providing ample opportunities for folks who wish to help.

All in all, the Special Olympics are noteworthy and honorable events, put together with the support, generosity, time and effort of those who wish to provide a safe and healthy environment for people to pursue opportunities they might not otherwise have had access to.

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