

Now More Than Ever:  Cancer Services offers emotional, physical and financial support

Now More Than Ever: Cancer Services offers emotional, physical and financial support

Alicia Ayers couldn’t believe it when she was diagnosed with breast cancer back in April.  Her first thought was that this wasn’t possible.  She was way too young to have cancer; how could this even happen?  Most women that get breast cancer are typically over the age of 55.  She was only 38.  However, one woman in eight will have to deal with breast cancer in her lifetime.  Alicia just couldn’t believe that she was the one.  She reflects back on her diagnosis saying, “The diagnosis just tore my mind, body, and spirit to pieces to just even try and grasp it.  I mean, I just couldn’t believe it and I didn’t know how to deal with it.”  One of the first steps that she took though was reaching out to Cancer Services of Davidson County.

Cancer Services of Davidson County is a United Way of Davidson County partner agency that offers emotional, physical, and financial support to cancer patients throughout Davidson County.   Their vision is to give cancer patients hope for life, and they help people like Alicia every day.  She was able to take advantage of the Cancer Patient Support Program that United Way of Davidson County helps to fund.  Thanks to the generous donors of the United Way, Alicia was able to get gas money to travel to and from cancer treatments.  She was able to get a free wig.  She was even able to have a day of pampering thanks to a partnership that Cancer Services of Davidson County has with Rhythms Spa and Salon.    Financial, physical, and emotional support were available to Alicia, and she took advantage of all three.  More than anything though, Cancer Services was able to help Alicia navigate and deal with her diagnosis and show her that she was not alone in her battle.  They gave her hope for life.  Alicia said, “You just don’t realize how far the little things go.  Those mileage checks.  The wig.  Every little thing that Cancer Services did.  It goes a long way in my battle, and it has truly helped me.”  

October is breast cancer awareness month, and you will see a lot of pink as breast cancer is one of the more common cancers among women (it is the second most common cancer for women behind skin cancer).  If you are a woman over the age of 40 then the most important thing that you can do is to make sure that you are getting a yearly mammogram.  Even if you are younger (like Alicia) it is important to have a yearly physical and talk to your doctor or health care provider about cancer prevention.  The North Carolina Central Cancer Registry projects there to be 200 new diagnoses of breast cancer in Davidson County this year, and the earlier the cancer is detected in a patient really improves chances of defeating the cancer.  That is exactly what Alicia is planning to do.  She is currently undergoing treatment and plans to fight hard to make sure she is a survivor.  

You can help her and hundreds of other cancer patients in their battle by supporting United Way of Davidson County.  When you give to their campaign your money goes to community members in need just like Alicia.  Now, more than ever, we need your help in helping people.  Also, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer Services of Davidson County is selling “Fight Like a Girl” T-shirts that you see pictured above for $25.00.  When you purchase one of these shirts you are not only showing your solidarity in hundreds of Davidson County women’s fight against cancer, but you are also directly supporting breast cancer patients like Alicia.  This October we invite you to give cancer patients hope for life!  You can find more information about Cancer Services of Davidson County at  

Cancer Services of Davidson County provides emotional, physical, and financial support to individuals in Davidson County who are fighting cancer.  

*Now More than Ever is sponsored by Davidson County United Way

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