

Now More Than Ever: Todd & Jodi Hunt make this a better place

Now More Than Ever: Todd & Jodi Hunt make this a better place

To many that drive down Business 85, passing Jerry Hunt Supercenter, most likely do not know that they are a very community-minded organization.  In 2018 they held their first United Way employee campaign and raised over a little over $15,000.  In 2019, they raised over $23,000 from their employees and the company agreed to match their employee giving, bringing their total to over $46,000.  

Fast forward to this year, 2021, Jerry Hunt Supercenter’s 4th employee giving campaign totaled $98,673!  Combined with their various sponsorships to the United Way of Davidson County they became a 6-Figure giver in just 4 years! 

Organizational culture and giving such as this start with Leadership.  Todd & Jodi Hunt’s leadership and example in the community is the driving spirit behind such giving employees.  

Luke 12:48 states, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." 

Todd & Jodi Hunt live out this verse. C. S. Lewis once said, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”  Often, they do things “behind the scenes” that folks don’t even know about.  Never seeking recognition, only wanting to help those in need.  Jodi is a great champion for the United Way of Davidson County, serving on our Board of Directors as well as in leadership roles as Campaign Chair, Vice Chair, and in 2022 will serve as the Chair of the Board.  Jodi is the driving force behind their workplace giving campaigns.  She works hard to coordinate their campaigns and make sure that the employees understand our cause and know how much it impacts our community.  

Because of this, they have created a wonderful culture of community spirit within the company at Jerry Hunt Supercenter.  Their employees follow their lead in serving and giving back, going  “all out” when it comes to their United Way campaign.  This wouldn’t happen without Todd & Jodi’s influence.

Since 2017 Todd has given away two cars and $30,000 as incentives for the United Way of Davidson County campaign. In addition to supporting the United Way of Davidson County, Todd is always looking for other ways to be supportive.  This legacy started years ago by Todd’s parents Jerry & Martha Hunt.  At a young age, they instilled the importance of community and giving back in Todd. We know his dad Jerry is looking down so proud at the way he is carrying on their family name.  

Some other ways he supported our community last year are:

  • He donated a car to help the City of Lexington promote awareness about the Census.  

  • A Percentage of every car sold in October given to Cancer Services to raise awareness during Cancer awareness month

  • He has been top sponsor for the Dragonfly House fundraising gala – 2 years in a row.

  • Most recently a local community member’s wife had a car accident.  She was in ICU for 10 days and he was forced to quit his side job so he could take care of her.  As you can imagine the bills started piling up.  The United Way stepped in to help and when Todd heard about their story, he reached out to me and said he wanted to help by covering their expenses for one month.

In addition to performing his job at an exemplary level, Todd demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to his community.  He has made a tremendous difference and exemplifies what it means to put others before self. Despite the overwhelming amount of work that faces him each day, Todd consistently finds a way to make time for those who come to him seeking support. 

The United Way of Davidson County and our entire community Thank You Todd, Jodi, and the entire Jerry Hunt Supercenter family for all that you do to make our home a better place!

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