

Political Opinion: Public Servants

Political Opinion: Public Servants

As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.

As we all know the main race coming up in 2022 are local elections, the main one will be for County Commissioner. At the top of the list is maintaining Constitutionality at the local level. Most have a particular view that the Constitution only encompasses that which they are in favor of. Truth is that it was written to include all, only a couple of Articles and Bill of Rights are specifically addressed to the citizen.

We also are aware that the meaning of the Constituion has been diluted down to what is desired by groups with power and money. The Constitution was written to protect the lesser of the population as opposed to the majority. A majority has the power of numbers and in a perspective equates to mob rule forcing their will on the lesser. The Constitution within itself protects the rights of the lesser or individual against mob rule.

On the local level the laws passed by the state or ordinances by county many times goes against the Constitution but is excused because of the common saying “Well, it is the law”. The duty of local government officials should be to oppose laws that go against the Constitution and refuse to follow them. I know part of the Oath of officials is to support the laws, but what happens when they do so in light of them being an infraction of your liberties under the Constitution, it becomes a watered down legal document that bears no resemblance to the Constitution and is excused because “it is the law”. What would of happened in the late 1700’s had the colonies said “Well, it’s the law”. A public servant should have the moral principles to fight for everyones rights as an individual. It is a truth that you can’t make everyone happen with decisions but the fall back on them should always be is this protected Constitutionally. Then the hard but right question and answer even when it goes against personal beliefs and opinion should be is it Constitutional. It is not an easy thing to go against your opinions but it is a Constitutional fact that you should support the rights of an individual.

Political Opinion: Justice System is Broken, not Failing

Political Opinion: Justice System is Broken, not Failing

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: December 10, 2021

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: December 10, 2021