

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Dear Diary (Part 3)

Cassidy's Creative Corner: Dear Diary (Part 3)

To read Part 1 of Dear Diary, click here.

To read Part 2 of Dear Diary, click here.

November 25th
5:00 pm

Dear Diary,

Today was very uneventful. That’s what I would like to say. In fact, today was the complete opposite. Remember when I said that the room isn’t dusty? Yeah, well apparently the room doesn’t even exist anymore. Today, I tried to go back to the room, but it was sealed, again…perfectly. No creases, no bumps, nothing. Just smooth, white paint. I traced my fingers over it, lightly pushing to see if it would cave in again, but it didn’t. I know it definitely wasn’t a dream because I still have the key. When I got to this house, I searched for anything that was locked, but I never went to the attic. So, that’s what I’m going to do now.

7:30 pm 

Okay so, I lied. I ended up watching a really good show, and eating snacks before I went to the attic. I found a locked trunk. No surprise. I don’t know if the key actually fits yet, cause I left it downstairs (like an idiot) . I’m gonna open it now though, and write about it after.

7:40 pm

The key fit! Honestly, I was kinda afraid of what I’d find, so I opened it as slow as possible. Inside was a small, worn-down diary. I blew the dust off it. Eager to read it, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There were three grimy crossword puzzles laying in the trunk. Certain words were circled in red. They were: run, hide, money, future, and woman. These definitely aren’t mine and they look a hundred years old. I frantically flipped to the first page of the diary, looking for a name. There wasn’t one. Page after page, it was just blank until I came across one entry. It reads…

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