Public news conferences provide public with transparency
The Lexington Police (LPD) and Lexington Fire Department (LFD) held their first public safety news conference for the media at the Police Training Center on Friday, November 22nd. These news conferences will be held on a recurring basis with the goal of continuing and improving upon transparency with the public about public safety matters.
Topics discussed at the first public safety news conference included:
The Nancy Bunly missing person investigation, acknowledging that daily action is being taken to find Nancy within the LPD, SBI and partnering agencies, no new updates were shared
Holiday safety tips including crime & fire prevention. For our list of holiday crime prevention tips visit
The new community connect launch by the Lexington Fire Department , which provides new technology for residents to submit important information about their residence for the LFD to have in case of an emergency.
Community Connect is a free, secure and easy-to-use platform that allows you to share critical information that will aid LFD personnel when responding to your residence or business. We encourage you to share information that would be critical in an emergency situation such as occupants, your emergency meeting space, any pets on the property, and anything else that first responders may need to know.
For more information & to sign up visit