

Project visualization can set realistic expectations

Project visualization can set realistic expectations

Project visualization is a key in motivating factor for someone to downsize, right-size, declutter or organize. Thru Project visualization one can set realistic expectations for a time frame of when the project needs to begin and conclude. This brings two critical points to deciding when and how to start any of these processes. 

Once a potential client contacts me after "getting to know you" greetings, I as two simple questions. What is your vision for this project? What is your time frame with realistic expectations? 

Clients that have been in their home for decades tend to have collections of this, that and everything in between. What's their vision? Do sorting apply first to determine what they will sell, donate, keep or repurpose? Is there a need for tag sale or a full auction. Are certain items marked are heirloom pieces? Does the family need to pick up the items being given to them before the sorting begins? Can those items from way back be used in their new place, is there space? Does the entire house have to be emptied before the realtor arrives with buyers? This time frame is realistic based only on each client, so a 5000 square foot house may take 8-10 weeks whereas a smaller house may take 4-6 weeks. This also depends on the content of the house. 

Residents staying in their current home will right size typically according to the space needed to maneuver a cane, walker, wheelchair or simply declutter then organize. 

How does visualization become an action plan to benefit you and your loved ones? 

Room by room visualization gives you a project map from the full picture as seen presently to the pinpoint in the center of the room and house. This helps by making the big picture/ project look small. 

Downsizing is stressful without question; however, thru preparations, planning, visualization, hiring a Senior Move Manager and allowing yourself to make decisions before others have to make then for you; makes the process less stressful and more organized. 

There is beauty and peace in downsizing, to give to others that may need and use the items, to re-purpose and cross utilizing, disposing of properly, donating to non-profits, churches, community groups. There are so many people that could use items you are downsizing. Item can be sold, consigned and even donated to museums. 

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