Summertime, and the living is easy
It was George Gershwin that wrote, “ Summertime, and the livin' is easy,
fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high.
Oh, your daddy's rich and your ma is good-lookin',
so hush little baby, don't you cry.
One of these mornings, you're goin' to rise up singin'
and you'll spread your wings and you'll take the sky.
But 'til that mornin', there's a-nothin' can harm you,
with daddy and mommy standin' by.”
Summertime often symbolizes a time of a spiritual ripening of faith. As summer follows spring, we find a time for new birth and growth. The Bible speaks of summer as a time of maturity when seeds are sown.
In the Old Testament, summer is often spoken of as a time gathering crops, showing the reward of hard work and patience through the process of planting.
The word of God is often used to denote the impeding area when we speak of summertime. We should take the summertime as a time to grow in faith and spiritual understanding. Psalm 74:17, teaches us” Thou hast set all the borders of the earth; thou hast made summer and winter.”
As the summertime comes, as believers we shall remember the resurrection in our faith. Someone may ask the question, why is summertime so warm? As believers we can always say, because the summer brings us closer to the Son!
“Summertime, and livin is easy”, as we take the time to enjoy the summertime we should always remember. Summertime is a time for comfortable clothes, comfortable eating, spending time with our family, cookouts and vacations.
We enjoy the breeze that God sends when the weather is really warm in the summertime because it reminds us of the power that he has.
It is my prayer that everyone feels the blessings of summertime. One may say that summertime is a foretaste of Heaven; perhaps a rehearsal of paradise one may even state summertime is like a preview of the promised land.
How should we live in the summertime, as believers we should just simply enjoy the season and take time to rest in kingdom living. It is not worrying in this season. It is enjoying the abundance of God‘s goodness. Live like summer, enjoy the delights and share in the abundance of God‘s provision.
Summertime is our growing season. The word of God teaches us in Genesis 8:22, “ While the earth remains, seed time and harvest time, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” The only problem we have with the summertime and living easy is that summer ends and a new season takes place.
We shall always trust in our Savior in whatever season we find ourselves in.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember. May we experience the joy of our salvation each and every day, may we always carry the summertime freedom in our hearts and may we always enjoy summertime and living easy, may you be blessed with endless summertime.
May God so Richly Bless!
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