Starting January 1st, Ministries in Thomasville will open overnight Emergency Warming Centers to provide shelter during the coldest nights of the year.
All tagged homeless
Starting January 1st, Ministries in Thomasville will open overnight Emergency Warming Centers to provide shelter during the coldest nights of the year.
While the image of a hero in uniform often evokes respect and admiration, the plight of homeless veterans remains an invisible, yet pressing, issue within our communities.
On Monday, Nov. 20th, 2023 Stephen Grady was taken into custody where he was served with an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The warrant was issued for Felony Sex offender unlawfully on the premises due to residing within 1,000 feet within Lexington Senior High School. He received a $5,000 secured bond and was placed into the Davidson County Detention Center.
This weekend, our community was met with below-freezing temperatures, and many wanted to remain in the warm comfort of homes. What about those without a home?
High Rock Church of Lexington is opening our church building to serve as a warm shelter during the extreme weather that is coming. We will open the doors at 9 pm Friday Night, December 23rd and Saturday night December 24th. On Saturday and Sunday mornings we will close the building at 9 am.