

The joy of togetherness

The joy of togetherness

It is time for us to start praying together, the word of God teaches us in Psalm 133:1, ”How good and pleasant it is when God‘s people live in unity.”

Sometimes we may find ourselves complaining that nothing is happening, but perhaps we can just come together by fellowship and prayer. The principles of togetherness enable our civil society to easily communicate and connect to each other. The principle and the joy of togetherness bring about compassion that is embodied in joy.

The joy of togetherness flows, clean and pure when we live holy lives.

When the believers diminish the importance of togetherness, we risk being invaded by the enemy. God has called us to find joy in togetherness. When the believers stand together in joy, it makes God smile. God never intended for the believers to walk alone. We are to stand strong together and we should not live in isolation.

Paul taught the Romans, “For I long to see you that I may impart to you some spiritual gifts to strengthen you that you may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.” There is always joy in togetherness, let us stand therefore growing together in grace and knowledge of our Savior. Let us stand together in joy as we will live in harmony.

Someone once said, as each part does its work it helps the other part grow so Christ’s whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Simply saying there is joy when we are together, the joy of togetherness brings us good cheer and vibrant happiness.

The joy of the Lord is our strength. There is a recipe for the joy of togetherness as believers. We have a conscience of joy; we are to have conspicuous joy. As believers we have continuous joy, the joy of togetherness is the birthright of the believers. We should always love one another and we should always pray one for another as we continue to stay in the joy of togetherness. As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember that there is nothing more attractive than the joy of togetherness. Real joy comes from God not from within. We should always remember to stay unified with one mission, one heart and one spirit. We should always stay in the presence of our Savior that brings us the ultimate joy of togetherness.

May God So Richly Bless!

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