The smile of God
Because of the grace of God, we can look in the mirror and smile, we can smile with the exceeding joy that we are God’s creation. Smiles are healthy, they are contagious. The smile of God will lift our mood, lower stress, reduce pain and make things seem a lot brighter.
Someone once said, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”.
The smile of God can change A person's day.
When God smiles, it will remind us that God sees us and he cares for us. We are valuable in the sight of God, the smile of God is a powerful thing. God’s smile always comes with love.
The smile of God makes it possible for us to get through tough times. Psalm 68:19 reminds us,
“God daily loads us with benefits.”
This does not ignore the struggles of life, but it reminds us of how faithful God is. We should always recognize the smile of God and we should never underestimate the power of the smile of God.
Smiles have the potential to change someone's life.
Proverbs 15:13, states, ” A glad heart makes a cheerful face.”
The smile of God is not just for looks, it feeds the inner spirit with courage and hope. We can always find peace in God's smile.
As believers, we should understand that we should look for ways to bring smiles to others. The smile of God means he looks favorably on us, we should know when God looks at his people he smiles.
We smile with confidence that God is smiling on us. As believers, we should know the smile of God, showers us with his blessings from day-to-day.
Nothing restores our soul like the smile of God. When we look into the heavens we should appreciate the joyful sunshine of God smile over us. When God smiles it is the most important thing in the world.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember the Lord makes his face shine on us. Our heavenly father loves us. He makes his face shine down on us, so that we are saved.
Never forget to smile. Remember God was smiling yesterday. God is smiling today and God will smile tomorrow simply because the smile of God is always shining over us.
May God richly bless!
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