The storm is passing over
As believers we should know that trouble doesn’t last always. Jehovah-Jireh is our provider.
The word of God teaches us, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” As storms come in our lives, remember, no matter how many afflictions or problems you may find yourself going through, our Savior is always working on our behalf.
After the storm has passed over God will make the sun shine again.
In this life, no one is exempt from storms, unfortunately storms will come in our lives that we may not be prepared for. There are many different types of storms that we may have to face, such as losing a loved one, declining health or perhaps financial issues may have found its way to your home, maybe even someone has lost their job. But be a good cheer, the storm is passing over and God will always keep our head above water. We must always lean and depend on God while the storm is passing over
Psalm 46:1, says “God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Please trust in the Lord, and he will show himself faithful to you. God has his hands outstretched and he is saying to us don’t worry the storm is passing over.
In the Bible, the storm is a symbol of many different signs. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and he saves the crushed spirit. Let us prepare ourselves for life storms that may come in our direction knowing that God would always keep us in his arms. While the storm is passing over.
When and if you find yourself in a storm, trust God in the storm, focus on the promises God has made to you. Focus on what God has spoken to you in your heart and focus on what God has already done for you in your life. Rest in the midst of the storm for there is always another side of the storm. Trust God always, for the storm is passing over.
As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember to thank God for being our shelter in the midst of the storm. Let us thank God for always making a way for us. Let us continuously thank God because the storm is passing over.
May God So Richly Bless!
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