

Thomasville City Council to discuss road closure and city manager contract

Thomasville City Council to discuss road closure and city manager contract


Monday, December 19, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.

7003 Ball Park Road, Thomasville, NC 27360

Mayor Raleigh York, Jr. ~ Mayor Pro Tem Lisa Shell

1. Call to Order

2. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda

3. Recognitions and Presentations

A. Recognition of Piedmont Triad Regional Teacher of the Year, Tiffany Wynn

B. Presentation by Patrick Donnelly, COO of First Responders of the Triad, to

Thomasville Fire and Police Departments of $18,000 winnings by Jason Gentel,

Winding Creek Golf Pro

4. Public Forum – Please sign up in person to speak for two minutes on any topic. The

two-minute time limit will be enforced.

5. Public Hearings

A. Request for Rezoning: (Z-22-08)

Applicant/Owner: Anthony Ledford

Location: 35 Cedar Lodge Road

Parcel Number: 16377A0000017A

Existing Zoning: C-1 Neighborhood Commercial

Proposed Zoning: R-10 Low Density Residential

The Board of Planning & Adjustment held a public hearing on November 29, 2022 and

voted 6-0 in favor of this request because: the rezoning is compatible with the existing

district zoning; it would stabilize and protect the essential characteristics of the area; it is

consistent with the comprehensive plan; and it would not negatively impact any adjacent


B. Economic Development Incentive Grant for Project Rabbit

C. Petition and Ordinance regarding Voluntary Contiguous Annexation of a

Portion of Lake Road

6. Consent Agenda

A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes – Briefing Meeting on 11/14/22

B. Consideration of Approval of Minutes – Council Meeting on 11/21/22

C. Consideration of General Fund Budget Amendment #2023-P6-01

D. Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance – Aquatic & Community Center Project

E. Consideration of 2023 Thomasville City Council Meeting Dates

F. Consideration of Golf Course Fund Budget Amendment – 72 Golf Carts

G. Consideration of Grant Project Ordinance – 72 Golf Carts

H. Consideration of Approval of Bid from EZGO – 72 Golf Carts for $379,606.32

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7. Regular Agenda

A. Consideration of Resolution to Conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January

17, 2023 at 7003 Ball Park Road, Thomasville, NC Regarding a Petition for the

Closure of a Portion of Lake Road

B. Consideration of Addition of Risk Manager Position (Grade 27)

C. Consideration of Reclassifying ARPA Grant Analyst to Financial Analyst (Grade 28)

D. Consideration of City Manager’s Contract

8. Committee Reports and Appointments, Mayor’s Report and Appointments, City

Manager’s Report, City Attorney’s Report

9. Closed Session – Personnel

10. Additional Items

11. Adjournment

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