

Faith and Fellowship: The King Is Coming (Part 3)

Faith and Fellowship: The King Is Coming (Part 3)

It is very important that we understand, that Mary was still a virgin,even after being married to Joseph. In the book of Luke, we have read where Luke does not contradict, Matthew when he called Mary the “espoused wife” of Joseph. In the account of their traveling to Bethlehem, perhaps Luke is asserting, Mary’s virginity even as he calls her Joseph’s wife,  they, have committed themselves to to each other as engaged couples do. Joseph had taken Mary as his wife, Per Matthew, but since a marriage is not consummated until after intercourse has taken place, Luke uses espoused.

The Gospels give Joseph the honor that he deserves, for obeying God in faith, taking pregnant Mary as his wife, giving his name to the child that she was carrying. Continuing to heed angelic messages to protect them from Herod”s murderous intentions. Now the journey to Bethlehem begins, Mary and Joseph’s , 75 mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the trip would take a while, by riding a donkey. The only mode of transportation available to the couple. Mary was nine months pregnant, and she was carrying the KING!

Luke 2:4-7, And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the City of David, which is called Bethlehem; Joseph was of the house of and lineage of David.
       “Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see
         Thee lie. Above thy deep and dreamless
          Sleep, the silent stars go by;
          Yet in the dark streets shining the everlasting
          Light. The hope and fears of all the years

There were two reasonable routes that Mary and Joseph could have taken to get from Nazareth to Bethlehem. The custom which required the Jews to be taxed in their ancestral homelands The Old Testament prophet Micah 5:2, prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. It is amazing how God is in the details of our lives and planned everything beforehand so that the prophecy would be fulfilled that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, About the time that Jesus was born, there was a decree from Ceaser Augustus that the world should be taxed.

The spirit of the Lord must have been with Mary as she made the uncomfortable journey.
The King of Coming!

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us Praise God for the foot steps of Mary and Joseph, the light of humanity entered the world through the womb of Mary, the mother of God. The King Is Coming!!!

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