

Op-Ed: The “Red Wave”

Op-Ed: The “Red Wave”

The primary elections are over and our party now has the candidates that will challenge Democrats for local, state, and federal offices. It’s time for Republicans to put behind them the primary battles and focus on defeating Democrats this fall. It has never been more important to do so!

Our nation, state, and county hang in the balance this fall. Our actions, or inactions, will determine the course our society takes for the foreseeable future. We already know the Biden-Pelosi-Shumer plan as we experience it every day. These include record high gas prices, historic inflation, and soaring costs at the grocery store. And don’t forget their plans to defund law enforcement, restrict free speech and gun rights, and continue murdering innocent children in the womb.

This is not the America that was passed to us nor should it be the one we pass to our children and grandchildren. All Republicans must stand united behind our candidates, whether they were your primary choice or not. The “Red Wave” only happens when we vote! Refusing to support the Republican candidate this fall because they were not your primary choice is a vote for the Democrats!

Let’s continue working together to support all of the Republican candidates this fall!

Christopher Jessup

Chairman, Davidson County Republican Party

The Davidson County Republican Party meets the first Thursday of each month, excluding July, at 7pm at Yarborough’s Restaurant, located at 321 Marco Blvd. in Lexington. An optional dinner begins at 6pm. All registered Republicans are welcome to attend!

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