

Now More Than Ever: The ARC of Davidson County provides inclusive opportunities

Now More Than Ever: The ARC of Davidson County provides inclusive opportunities

Fred (not his real name) was a delightful 10 year old boy, who loved the jungle gym, computer games and sweet snacks. When summer came, he would have enjoyed many of the local camps. Fred, however, wore a pullup and did not use words to communicate.

Fred is one of 2,446 students in Davidson County Schools with an individualized education program, or an IEP. His developmental disability made it more difficult for his family to secure a summer program. That’s when they turned to The Arc of Davidson County.

Since 2011, The Arc has partnered with Davidson County Parks and Recreation to offer an inclusive camp where children with and without disabilities play alongside one another. Formerly a camp solely for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), the move to partner was driven not only as a more efficient way to manage dollars, but an opportunity for children with IDD to experience everything that typically developing campers experience. Children who have never been around a person with IDD learn that we are more alike than we are different, as they play and learn together.

The camp is open to all students with an IEP, up to age 22 years, as well as children with no IEP. For many camps, children age out at 12 years and the expectation is that children should be able to manage feeding, toileting and hygiene. For some students, they will need additional support in these and other areas, which may make them ineligible for a camp. In addition to the staff employed by Davidson County, The Arc employs staff to ensure the needs of all the campers can be met. The majority of the staff are exceptional children teachers, aides, bus drivers and some are college students studying special education. Others may have a disability themselves or a family member with a disability.

Campers are grouped according to age and consist of students with both IDD and those who are typically developing. Staff from both agencies work with all campers. One summer, a camper named Jamal (not his real name), age 17 years, decided he was staff. Due to his disability, his walk was unsteady and his ability to clearly be understood may have been difficult at times, but there was no mistaking what he wanted-a badge, just like the other staff wore on their lanyards. For three days, he pointed at the badges, then to himself until finally a unique badge was created for him with his photo. His huge smile and bubble of laughter was immediate.

Each day, we would ask, “come back tomorrow?” until the last day of camp when he was reminded that this would be the last day. He fell to his knees, sobbing.

Staff was honored to have provided him the opportunity to feel valued within the camp community and hoped that he was able to carry that feeling with him.

Thanks to the partnership with DC Parks and Rec, the camp overhead is negligible, and the majority of the expenses are for staff. Were it not for our United Way, The Arc could not hire and train the staff needed so that families know their loved ones are in a safe and nurturing environment with people who have experience with students with disabilities. Families are able to go to work, or have a break, and children continue to learn through play.

Experience has taught that the more familiar we are with people who are not like us, the less we will be led to bully. Watching campers learn to play together, tie dye T shirts together, eat cupcakes together, we see disabilities fade and the person-not the disability- is front and center. When all campers return to school, friendships have developed. Bridges have formed across the unknown and a person. Without United Way, this would not be possible.

The Arc of Davidson County, Inc. is committed to securing for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work and play.

For more information about other direct services offered by The Arc of Davidson County, call

336.248.2842. or visit

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