

Now More Than Ever: United Way campaign launches

Now More Than Ever: United Way campaign launches

When Battalion Chief Waylon Turbeville of the Lexington Fire Department volunteered for the United Way of Davidson County’s Fund Distribution Committee, he never imagined that he would be on the other side of the conversation.

A month later, when tragedy happened in his own family, the United Way of Davidson County through their partner agencies came to their need.  Life can happen in the blink of an eye and the United Way of Davidson County’s work goes to support local agencies that provide resources for our entire community in the areas of health, education and financial security. 

The United Way of Davidson County currently funds programs for 25 non-profits. 

Our Campaign Video for the upcoming giving season features 3 of our partner agencies’ programs that United Way dollars fund in the community, Davidson Medical Ministries, Lexington Housing CDC, and the Tom A Finch YMCA in Thomasville.  

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The United Way of Davidson County’s mission is to bring together community resources to identify and meet the human service needs in Davidson County through responsible leadership.  Our vision is to improve lives through strategically convening community partners to create measurable social change.  United Way of Davidson County fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community.  We win by living United.  By forging unlikely partnerships.  By finding new solutions to old problems.  By mobilizing the best resources.  And by inspiring individuals to join the fight against our community’s most significant social problems.

As you all know 2020 was a very challenging year.  Thankfully, the United Way of Davidson County was here when the pandemic started ready to help!  It is always important to give back, but this year it is even more important.  During 2020, the United Way of Davidson County was an essential business.  When the world began to shut their doors the phones at United Way continued to ring.  There is still great need in our community and “Now More Than Ever” Davidson County needs you to support the United Way!

Sunday, August 1st is the official kick-off for the 2021-2022 United Way Campaign and it runs through November 30th.  This is the “official” time of the year that local businesses and organizations come together to raise funds for the more than 25 Local Community Programs through fundraisers and Employee Giving.  

The goal for the 2021 Campaign, set by the board, is $1,500,000.  This is an aggressive goal, but a meaningful one.  If met, it will allow us to provide the support necessary to meet the needs of those in our community.  

  • Now More Than Ever, children, families and nonprofit organizations need United Way.

  • Now More Than Ever, it is crucial for us all to work together to build opportunities to allow everyone time to recover, rebuild and thrive.

  • Now More Than Ever, strong leadership and community collaboration is critical to ensure support is provided to those who need it most.

  • Now More Than Ever, United Way is asking those who are able - to lean in, get involved and lend their support.

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If you or your organization is interested in giving or participating please contact call 336-249-2532 or visit our website at

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