Board of Elections changes Tyro's voting location, Sunday voting discussed
Early voting starts October 20th thru November 5th
Yesterday evening the meeting took place at the main office for the Board of Elections with several items on the agenda, one being where Tyro will be holding their elections this fall. The debate was to chose from one of two locations available. St Luke's Lutheran Church and Tyro Middle School were on the table for a vote. There was much talk of which location would be more feasible concerning things like location, space, parking and capacity to house the voting equipment. The board voted to move forward with Tyro Middle School as the newest location for the citizens of that area. Tyro United Methodist at 4484 S North Carolina Hwy 150, Lexington was the original location and will now be replaced by Tyro Middle School which is located not too far from the church at 2946 Michael Rd, Lexington after last night’s vote.
On another note, early voting will start on Thursday, October 20 thru Saturday November 5, 2022. The board voted 3 to 2 in favor of including a Sunday, making it seven consecutive days the electoral staff would be on duty in a week. This sparked some debate as one board member wanted to give staff a day off in between working the polls. Proposal #2 contained 775 hours as drafted versus Proposal #2 adding on a Sunday prior to November 5th. This will now be headed to Raleigh for review since there was not a full consensus vote on the floor concerning the outcome. Two board members seemed to feel a justification to open on Sundays during the hours of 1-4pm to allow many that couldn’t normally reach the polls to have an opportunity to do so. Another worry would be who would work the polls on a Sunday and if the attendance to the polls would actually justify opening them on a Sunday. By August 30th all Chief judges will have to notify the Board office if any of the Davidson precincts is lacking in volunteers or staff. Precinct official training will be November 1, 2022. Please see the information below if you need more details:
NC Board of Elections Calendar of Events -
Absentee Ballot Request link and deadline -
10 Tips for Election Day Voters for the July 26 Elections -