

City of Lexington seeks  consultant to complete National Register of Historic Places nomination for Lincoln Park

City of Lexington seeks consultant to complete National Register of Historic Places nomination for Lincoln Park

The City of Lexington seeks a professional consultant to complete a National Register of Historic Places nomination for the Lincoln Park neighborhood.

Qualified consultants or consulting firms interested in this project are invited to submit a proposal by by Friday, May 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. to:

  • Rebecca Hart City of Lexington

  • 28 West Center Street Lexington, NC 27292

  • Phone: 336-628-2957

  • Email:

Project Description and Scope of Services: The City of Lexington, NC, has been awarded an Underrepresented Communities grant from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) for Certified Local Governments (CLGs) administered by the National Park Service, Department of Interior, to complete a survey and inventory of the Lincoln Park Neighborhood.

The Lincoln Park Neighborhood was added to the North Carolina Study List on November 17, 2022. This neighborhood is comprised of Carver Drive, Booker Avenue, Washington Avenue, Arthur Drive, and Lincoln Avenue. It includes approximately 52 structures, including outbuildings. Lincoln Park is an African American community of historic significance. Started in the 1950s, it was the first neighborhood in Lexington where African Americans could purchase platted and developed property.

The homeowners established it as a safe haven for its residents and African Americans from surrounding communities. The neighborhood reared children who became educators, politicians, and entrepreneurs, among other professions, hosted iconic entertainers at American Legion Banks-Miller Post 255 as part of the Chitlin' Circuit during segregation, employed a unique system of heritage property ownership, and continues to serve as a local symbol of civil rights. This nomination project was initiated by the residents of the Lincoln Park Community and will require continued engagement as their residents have collected generations of photos, news clippings and flyers, and family stories.

The City of Lexington will facilitate communications between the selected contractor and the community.

The Statement of Work to be performed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), 54 U.S.C 300101 et. seq., and in the Historic Preservation Grant Fund Manual, is further defined to include:

1. Comprehensively research and survey the Lincoln Park neighborhood as per National Register Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation.

2. Prepare the appropriate description(s), historical contexts, statements of significance, maps, photographs, and related documentation.

3. Obtain owner permission for any property slated for nomination. Submit written documentation of the owners’ permission to the City of Lexington and the National Park Service.

4. Prepare and submit a district nomination for Lincoln Park to the National Register of Historic Places including its significance to the history and heritage of the African American community, the City of Lexington, and the Civil Rights movement. Project Schedule: Contractor to begin work no later than July 1, 2024. The consultant will submit a first draft of the nomination to the SHPO no later than September 1, 2025. The consultant will work with the HPO and City staff to complete the editing of the document and prepare it for evaluation by the National Register Advisory Committee and the National Park Service. The consultant will also be responsible for editing and changes requested by the National Park Service in order to achieve listing. The project will be accomplished under the supervision of the HPO, Office of Archives and History, and the City’s project coordinator. Both HPO supervisory staff and the consultant will meet 36 CFR 61 qualifications. A final draft of the nomination is to be submitted no later than December 1, 2025.

Project Budget:

The total project budget is $26,000, funded by an Underrepresented Communities grant from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) for Certified Local Governments (CLGs) administered by the National Park Service, Department of Interior. The budget covers consultant salaries and fees, as well as travel, and all other project expenses on a “not to exceed” basis.

Consultant Selection and Qualifications: Consultants will be evaluated in part on the basis of the following criteria: • The person or firm must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Historic Preservation Professional Qualification Standards; * The person/firm must meet the qualifications described in Federal Register, Part V: 36 CFR 61: Appendix A; • The person or firm must have adequate experience and staff to perform the work required; • The person or firm must have successfully completed previous National Register nomination project; • The person/firm must have demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with the property owners and residents in the study area; • The person or firm must have the ability to meet the project schedule established for the work; • Grasp of project requirements and understanding of project scope; • Proposed approach to completing the scope of work defined; and • The person or firm must adhere to all Federal procurement standards.

Contractor’s Responsibilities:

1. The consultant will follow the guidance in Practical Advice for Recording Historic Resources, updated in 2022 and available here:

2. The consultant will obtain a survey database shell for this project from the HPO and will follow the instructions in How to Populate the HPO Historic Property Data Entry Form, located here:

3. The consultant will follow the HPO Photography Policy regarding photos for both survey documentation and National Register documentation. That policy is located here:

4. The consultant should review and follow the HPO Submission Checklists for individual resources regarding submission of National Register documentation. Those checklists are located here:

5. The contractor will provide a survey report to the City of Lexington including a detailed description of the survey project's process, an analysis of the data, and any conclusion that sums up the findings. The survey report should include plans for dissemination and next steps and should incorporate any special material such as photos, maps, or copies of important documents.

6. The contractor will provide copies of any ancillary work product or information compiled or generated by the contractor in the course of preparing the nomination, including but not limited to publications, workshops, handouts, maps, pamphlets, webinars, videos, property data, databases, archival research, and photographs.

7. The contractor will grant the City of Lexington, the State of North Carolina, and the United States of America a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, reproduce and use, and dispose of in any manner and for any purpose without limitation, and to authorize or ratify publication, reproduction or use by others, of all copyrightable material first produced or composed under this agreement by the contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned to originate and prepare such material.

8. The contractor must be able to comply with deadlines and provide initial and completed nominations by the dates outlined in the contract between the City and the Contractor.

9. The contractor will provide his or her own transportation and any equipment necessary for the completion of the nomination forms.

10. The contractor must be willing to provide quotes or interviews for City communications. If quotes or interviews are asked of the contractor from media sources external to the City of Lexington, the contractor must make the City aware of the request before doing so.

11. The contractor will participate in community meetings with the Lincoln Park neighborhood, as necessary, to complete the project.

12. The contractor may be asked to provide informal progress reports to the City for grant compliance throughout the duration of the project.

13. The contractor may be asked to attend a City Council meeting to report their findings and summary of the nomination and will do their best to accommodate any such request.

City of Lexington’s Responsibilities:

1. The City will provide oversight by the Project Coordinator and other appropriate staff.

2. The City will provide relevant materials already in City files to the contractor.

3. The City will facilitate communications between the selected contractor and the Lincoln Park community.

Content of Proposals:

Interested consultants are invited to submit a proposal that describes how the project would be conducted, addresses the selection criteria above, and includes the following: • A list of the type of services for which the person or firm is qualified; • The names of principals, key persons, and associates who would be involved in the project; • Information on projects of a similar nature and of significant work completed by the person or firm. Include specific dates and types of services provided, client contact information, and highlight success in meeting work schedules, project budgets, and product deadlines; • A copy of a recent nomination, preferably a district that resulted in successful listing in the NRHP; and • A detailed, itemized budget and project schedule for completing the work.


All inquiries and questions should be submitted by email to Rebecca Hart at Any questions that the city feels are pertinent to all proposers will be added as an addendum to the RFP.

Selection Process:

1. Proposals should be submitted electronically by email to Please feel free to include multiple files if attachments would be better sent separately. Documents should be in .pdf format. If other formats are desired, please contact Rebecca to ensure the City has the ability to read the other format.

2. The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday, May 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. The City will respond with a confirmation of receipt.

3. Upon submission, all proposals will be thoroughly evaluated by a selection committee.

4. The City of Lexington has the right to reject any and all proposals.

5. The City will reach out to all Proposers by June 14th. Included Attachment: Below is a copy of the Lincoln Park Neighborhood National Register Nomination Grant Submission, including the project description worksheet, 1950 plat map, project images worksheet, and letters of support.

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