

The Huddle: Coach Demetris Royal's local football highlights - Can you stand the rain?

The Huddle: Coach Demetris Royal's local football highlights - Can you stand the rain?

On Friday, September 20th the Lexington Yellow Jackets traveled to Thomasville to take on the Eagles of East Davidson. Prior to kickoff the Eagle stadium received a downpour of rain which left the kickoff time in question. The football Gods blessed the fans, as the rain passed over and ended before the kickoff. The 2-2 Jackets had a different forecast in mind as they would be raining touchdowns on the Eagles all night from start to finish, literally. 

The Eagles won the coin flip and elected to kickoff to the Jackets to start the game. Junior Kaedyn Thomas-Heart took the opening kickoff to the 30 yard line for the Jackets to start their drive. Senior Qwazir Craven got the Jackets a first down run when the Jackets were facing a third and short. Senior Jaylen Henderson a few plays later helped the Jackets move the chains with another first down run.  Unfortunately, the Jackets found themselves faced with a 4th down in which they elected to go for it and did not convert from an incomplete pass. The turnover on downs gave the Eagles the ball. They had a slow drive that ended up having them punt the ball back to the Jackets. Jaylen Henderson received the put and gained a couple yards, giving the Jackets the ball back with seven minutes left in the 1st quarter.

In the Jacket’s first play, running back Craven broke a big run up the middle for a first down. The Jackets drive also featured junior Kamari Mcdonald having a first down catch. On the very next play Henderson found junior Collin Weeks who caught and ran for a touchdown. Davidson County Student Athlete of the Month Hugo Martinez added an extra point making it 7-0 in Jacket’s favor with 5:22 left in the first.

On the next Eagle’s drive, senior K’Brian Robinson came up with a big tackle to stop the Eagles, forcing them to punt the ball back to the Jackets after a 3 and out. The Jackets were able to start the next drive on the 50 yard line. On the first play of the drive, running back Craven broke loose for a touchdown. Hugo added an extra point making it 14-0 with 3:33 left in the 1st quarter.

On the kickoff, the  Eagles received a 15 yard penalty which backed them up to the 25 yard line. Junior Zakhi White came up with a big tackle to stop the momentum of the Eagles. On a third down the Eagles were given an encroachment flag from the Jackets and got the chains moved for a first down. The Quarter ends with Jackets still ahead 14-0. K’Brian Robinson came up with a big tackle to help keep Jackets in control and land Eagles with a 4th down. The Eagles rolled the dice and went for but luckily for the Jackets were unable to convert and gave the ball back to the Jackets. On Next drive, the Jackets were faced with a 4th and 3, and Craven gave them a first down run to keep the chains moving.  A ew plays later,  Henderson  ran for a first down on a 4th and 5. Craven added another first down run on the drive. Craven also added a touchdown run on the drive. The confident Jackets went for a 2 point conversion and Robinson converted for the Jackets, making it 22-0 with 4:35 left in the 2nd quarter. 

East Davidson's next drive found Rahzel getting a spear-like tackle to continue to shut down the Eagles offense. Junior Jaylen Jones got in on the action with a big tackle forcing a fourth down that would lead to the Eagles punting. In Lexington’s next drive, on a 2nd down the Eagles had a horse collar flag giving the Jackets an extra 15 yards to work with. On the next play Henderson found senior receiver Naquel Wood for a 50 yard touchdown pass. Golden toe added the extra point to make it 29-0 with 1:45 left in the half.

On the Eagle’s next drive, senior Jordan Summers wasn't fooled by an Eagle’s read option play and came up big for the Jackets with stopping what could have been a huge gain. Being down and little time left, the Eagles went to the passing game and Wood would take advantage coming up with the late quarter interception with 46 seconds left. To add salt to the wound, the dynamic duo of Henderson and Wood linked up for a 40 yard plus touchdown pass. Unfortunately for the Jackets a botched snap would have them not converting on a field goal attempt. Leaving it 35-0 with 23 seconds left in the first half. On the Jacket’s kick off to Eagles, a swarm of Jackets are in on the tackle. It was a flag on the play against the Jackets that moved Eagles up to the Jacket’s 40. With 15 seconds left Robinson comes up with an interception to end the first half at 35-0 in favor of Jackets.

On opening kickoff the Eagles get a flag that moves them back and forces them to start on their 20. Another slow drive found the Eagles with a 4th down in which they went for it and did not convert, having the Jackets take over the ball. A hot Jacket’s offense didn't take long to capitalize on the situation as the touchdown machine running back Craven broke a 40 yard touchdown on the first play. At the point you should know reliable Hugo added the extra point making it 42-0 for the Jackets. With the Jackets being up 40 plus points the running clock rule was set in.

The Eagles next drive ended up being another slow one. Wood saved what could've been a big gain with a tackle, ending the Eagle’s hope. The Eagles would end up losing the possession and giving it back to the Jackets. The Jackets took over on the 49 yard line around 5 mins left in the 3rd quarter. Juniors Collin Weeks and Dale Clodfelter take over in the back field for the Jacket’s offense. The drive would end up being a turnover on downs by the Jackets.

The Eagle’s took over as the end of the 3rd came with the Jackets up 43-0. Robinson came up big with a 4th down stop to end the Eagle’s drive. Lexington takes over on the 45 yard line with a running clock. Clodfelter got the Jackets a first down to keep the chains moving. Thomas-Hearst kept the chains moving with another first down run. Weeks ran for a 20 yard touchdown on a read option. Hugo added an extra point to make it 49-0.

The Eagle’s last possession ended up in a turnover on downs. Freshman Demarious Allen added a touchdown in the closing seconds of the game. Field goal attempt that ended up converting in a 2pt conversion had Henderson finding McDonald in the endzone making and ending the game 57-0 for the Lexington Yellow Jackets.

My Takes:

Each week we are seeing the Jacket’s team learning and growing, including a quarterback that's honing his skill and players that are making plays for him. Lexington has a top notch running back and the O and D lines are getting better each week, it's starting to show. Defense is still key to this team as they pitched a shutout tonight and continue to show up for the team. The juniors are filling a lot of gaps for the team and should get praise as they are helping by doing their part and carrying the load. We are seeing seniors that 3 years ago were having to fill some big shoes by playing varsity due to a lack of roster fulfillment as freshmen, finally showing what they can do. It was a good start for a conference play for the Jackets, who are inviting South Davidson next week for Homecoming. Hopefully the Jackets can keep things rolling.

The TEAM, the Coaching Staff and the Fans 


Qwazir Craven, Jaylen Henderson, Naquel Wood, Collin Weeks, Demarious Allen, Hugo Martinez Rodriguez


K’Brian Robinson, Ni’Jaylin Gilmore, Jordan Summers, Naquel Wood

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