

Cathy's Creative Corner: The Unexpected Outing

Cathy's Creative Corner: The Unexpected Outing

“Why are you girls sitting up in my kitchen when it’s so pretty and sunny outside today?” Kylie’s mom asked as she entered the room. Kylie and her friends, Evie and Cyn, were huddled around the radio talking about the latest trends and what outfit they wanted for Easter Monday. More thought was given to Easter Monday outfits because the mothers usually had the final say on what dress you were getting for Easter Sunday church services. Nonetheless, that Monday was the unofficial start of warm weather outfits and they had to be comfy, casual, but most of all, cute.

“Ma Gwen, what do you think about culottes and a tank top?” Evie questioned.

“As long as you’ve got a jacket to wear, that’ll work. Remember, it snowed two Easters ago and rained last year on Easter Monday so be prepared,” cautioned the mother. “Don’t go buying outfits you won’t be able to wear for another week or two.”

“I’m getting a pair of big legged bell bottom jeans and matching jacket,” chimed in Cyn. Cyn was the tallest in the group and had the height and body shape to pull the look together.

“Well, how about riding uptown and seeing what they have to offer? Kylie, you feel like driving?” inquired her mother as she retrieved the car keys from her purse. “I’ve got to get dinner started; I need my kitchen back. Take your time but don’t bring my car back with an empty tank.”

“Yes, ma’am!” replied the three girls in unison. They rushed out of the kitchen before Ma Gwen had time to think about what she had done. Kylie had only gotten her license six months prior but her parents saw she was a responsible and very good driver. They even let her drive on the highway when they traveled.

“Where’re we going first?” asked Evie. “Belk, Zimmerman, Cato, Wise Fashions?”

“I wish we could hit that strip mall right off the highway in Salisbury,” added Cyn. “They’ve got a lot of up-to-date and stylish stores there.”

“We can,” replied Kylie. “I’ve driven over there to my aunt’s house several times with Mom. The mall will be closer than her house. We can check out those stores and be back home in no time.”

The girls were delighted with all the possibilities they found! To top it off, everything was at one store. Between the three of them, the girls were able to church up enough money to make layaways for their outfits. Now it would be just a matter of picking up the layaways. Since Easter was almost a month away, they had plenty of time.

“Y’all want to ride over by Livingstone College? It’s not far from here,” Kylie asked as she unlocked the car doors.

“Hey, I go where the car goes. It’s all on you,” Evie cautiously replied.

“Livingstone College? College dudes? You ain’t gotta ask me twice. Let’s go get ‘em! Umm, I mean, LET’S GO!” laughed Cyn.

In a matter of minutes, the girls were cruising the campus of the college. It was a beautiful day and the college students were taking full advantage. The girls saw an impromptu softball game come together; they saw students playing tennis; students jogging; but mostly, students on stair stoops or in the grass reading.

“With all this, who comes outside on a day like today to read?” joked Kylie.

Evie, who was riding in the front seat, turned to the driver and said, “College students.”

After leaving the campus, the girls headed home. The unexpected use of Ma Gwen’s car really made their day. They were excited to tell their parents about the layaways and their visit to Livingstone. Kylie dropped off her friends at their homes when they got back in town.

“Sooo… you rode over to Salisbury today,” Kylie’s mom quizzed when Kylie came in.

“Yes, ma’am. How’d you know already? I was gonna tell you.”

“You passed your aunt on your way out of the shopping center. I guess you didn’t see her. She said you were headed towards Livingstone. You didn’t have any problems, did you? Is there still gas in my car?”

“Yes, ma’am. We made sure to keep enough money for gas before we put some things on layaway, and no, we didn’t have any problems.”

“Good. But from now on, tell me BEFORE you hit the highway. Okay? I hope this layaway is not expensive either.”

“Ma, you know I know my limits,” Kylie assured with a smile.

“Yeah, you do,” agreed her mother. “Now, set the table so we can have dinner.”

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