

Chloe's Mindful Minute Monday: Taking Breaks

Chloe's Mindful Minute Monday: Taking Breaks

Hello all!

 I hope you found ways this past week to incorporate meditation into your daily schedule. This week focuses on about taking breaks. As we enter the busy holiday season, it’ll become imperative for us all to take breaks and time for ourselves. Below are phrases that are useful to have when it’s time to step away from all the happenings in your life.

  1. “No.” It is a complete sentence and often the hardest one to say. If you are the reliable friend or family member, saying no to a task may sound daunting but keep in mind, you can’t pour from an empty jug.

  2. “I don’t have the capacity for this full responsibility, but I can…” Setting boundaries with how much you take on is a way to give yourself breaks without feeling as though you are unable to help. By not taking on entire projects but  offering help with a smaller task is a great way to be involved without being overwhelmed.

  3. “I won’t be there, but I hope you have a great time” Setting boundaries also looks like not always going out or being absent from events. Although we’re social creatures, we  need to recharge our energy. Stepping away from events is a great way to do so.

  4. “I need some help with this task because I can’t do it alone” It’s never a bad thing to ask for help. If you take on a task and realize it’s too much, communicate  you need help from those around you. Having help with responsibilities can allow you to give more effort but also not burn yourself out.

These may be phrases you already use and if so, you’re on the right track to taking care of you. If not, these are small ways to take care of you! Being able to articulate when you need a break is vital. Without open communication others will not know how they need to be there for you. I hope you find a way to carve some time for you in this busy, upcoming holiday season!

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