

Dear Local Politicians: Thank YOU!

Dear Local Politicians: Thank YOU!

Dear Local Politicians:

Thank you! Tuesday ended the contest for many running for local office. I applaud each person, in each city or county, who had the courage to put her or his name on a voting ballot and hopefully the heart to make the place we call home, a little better.

It takes a lot of guts to run for an elected office, or literally no fear. Politics, sadly, can be an ugly game. I learned that lesson the hard way when I decided to run for city council almost a decade ago. My campaign lasted a hearty two days. Meanwhile, these local candidates just endured what seemed like the LONGEST early voting season in the history of elections.

You hear a lot of negative things about “politicians,” so here is a little gratitude from a journo who followed you around and took notice.

Thank you for caring enough to:

·        Decorate our community with creative and colorful yard signs.

·        Create amazing parade floats.

·        Entertain children with lively dancing animal costumes.

·        Show up for heated forums and debates.

·        Answer DL’s intern Sidney’s interview questions with gusto.

·        Come to local events, even if you didn’t want to be there (wink), you did it with a smile.

·        Return our phone calls when we had those “he said/she said” type questions.

·        Drag your spouse, significant other, mother, children and third cousin twice removed to our homes to knock on the door and ask for our votes.

·        Argue with each other on social media. We learned a lot. We will miss that!

·        Create amazing one-liners such as “I don’t stand for stupid.”

·        Descend upon every single voter entering the polls like they are a rock star walking through paparazzi.

·        Challenge Davidson Local when you felt like our coverage was biased or unfair.

·        Stand in the extreme heat, enduring sunburn and the rain without a raincoat or tent.

Regardless of what color you prefer - Dem Blue, Republican Red or Libertarian Green - we love that this primary campaign season showed your true hues. After spending two whole days of pounding the pavement for Davidson Local, I saw hugs and high fives that crossed divides and partisan boundaries. We need more of that!

 Win or lose, most candidates earned a little more respect from your neighbors. Again, it takes a lot to put your name out there. The voters have spoken and as we look to November, we write to say Thank You. Our job as journalists is to hold you accountable. Today we pause to say… your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.

With Gratitude, 

Davidson Local


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