

Faith and Fellowship: Jesus is aWay Maker

Faith and Fellowship: Jesus is aWay Maker

Jesus is a way maker, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows the end of the road and he will surely be your guide. Put your trust in Jesus, Jeremiah 1: 3-5, God knows you and he is the one that can make a way for you. When you connect yourself with the way maker, He will always make a way for you. He will prosper you, and he will always shower his blessings upon you. God will always make a way where there seems to be no way.

You cannot depend on your own strength, your strength will fail, But lean and depend on the strength of God. John 1:3-5 teaches us, For God to make a way for you, You must know the way of the light and darkness. God is the only one that can make a way for you. If you depend on human beings, they may let you down. The world may sometimes let you down. But, the way maker will always pick you up. He can make a way for you, when you surrender to God. And develop a relationship with him. You will see his perfect works on your life.

As we read the word of God, we find many scriptures that show us that Jesus is truly A way maker, 1 Samuel 2, He made a way out of barrenness , to give Hannah children. Genesis 33:4, He made a way out of fear of destruction for Jacob to reconcile with his brother Esau. Matthew 9:22, He made a way for the woman with the issue of blood. There are many other scriptures throughout the Bible where we can see the way maker hand at work!

As believers our prayers should always be. Father please make a way for me, let me receive your divine help in the precious name of Jesus. The way maker is so great he works in ways that we cannot see. The way maker will be your guide and he will hold you close to his side with love and strength, for each day he will make a way.

The songwriter penned it by stating, Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, My God that is who you are. As believers we know that the name of the way maker is above every disease, His name is above cancer, his name is above loneliness, sadness, sorrow, broken hearted and much more. Jesus we Thank You for being our way maker, Thank You for always making ways for us, Thank You for all the works that you are doing in our lives. Thank You for making a way for the believers to live in peace and freedom. We shall forever Praise The way maker. Thank You way maker for dying on the cross for our sins!

As we meditate on the word of God this week let us remember the way maker is always doing something new in the lives of the believers. The way maker is our Divine healer who desires wholeness and wellness to your body mind and soul.

May God so richly bless!!!

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