Antionette's Column: Let's start a conspiracy
As we approach the end of the Christmas season, I stumbled upon a quote that resonates deeply with me. American writer and lecturer Hamilton Wright Mabie, who lived from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s, beautifully captures the spirit of this wonderful time of year: "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
In a world that seems to glorify figures like The Grinch over characters like Santa Claus, and where the allure of an assassin is presented as a solution to our healthcare dilemmas, it feels like we hear less and less applause for the George Baileys among us.
Mabie’s idea of “a conspiracy of love” is especially thought-provoking. The term “conspiracy” usually conjures up negative connotations, suggesting secret plotting for harmful or illegal purposes. In fact, if you look up “conspire,” the first definition reflects this darker meaning: “to agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal.”
However, the second meaning of “conspiracy” broadens our understanding—it can also refer to “acting or working together toward the same result or goal.” This perspective stems from the roots of the word, where “con” means “with” and “spire” means “spirit.” When we conspire, we work together with a shared spirit, perfectly captured in the understanding that Christmas brings everyone into a conspiracy of love.
As a journalist, I merely report the news rather than create it. One of the first lessons we learn in journalism school is that negative news captures attention and "sells." Like most publications, we strive to engage readers. Most seem captivated by crime and misfortune according to our back end anyalitics.
On a brighter note, Davidson Local launched "Caught Doing Good," a feature highlighting individuals who come together to spread kindness and love throughout the year. We hope to see the readership for these types of stories rise in 2025.
Lately, I’ve found myself reflecting on the kinds of conspiracies I’m nurturing in my relationships. I invite you to consider this as well. I realize that, like many, I have the potential to perpetuate negativity and criticism. Yet, I also have the power to share love and healing words. While the news may not always be positive, I can be intentional about spreading kindness in my community each day. Just like the little duck stickers seen on the front of Jeeps, change can begin with a single person.
Given everything happening around us, along with numerous local stories of pain and violence, we need a conspiracy of love now more than ever. Just as hate can spread, love can also flourish through the choices each of us makes regarding the spirit we wish to embrace and share, both at home and in our communities.
It can be challenging to honestly examine ourselves, but it is definitely worthwhile. This process of reflection allows us to renew our commitment to being part of a collective effort of love—something our families and communities desperately need.