12 Days of Christmas: Lexington Fire Department welcomes Comfort K9 Luna
12 Days of Christmas: Davidson Local’s staff selects warm and fuzzy stories guaranteed to warm your heart this festive season, filled with joy, love and celebration. Enjoy!
For many, there is nothing more comforting than the warm, fuzzy touch of a dog. Scientists have discovered that interacting with animals has the ability to boost both the levels of dopamine and serotonin in our brains, leading to improved mental clarity and immune support. It is obvious that dogs and humans have an unbreakable bond. The security provided by a dog goes beyond actual physical protection and extends into areas of emotional comfort. Within the last few decades a need has been identified to connect with dogs for therapeutic reasons.
So, what exactly is a comfort dog? A comfort dog, also known as a therapy dog or even a grief therapy dog, is a trained dog that provides stress relief and affection. These dogs have been known to aid with anxiety, depression, trauma and even certain types of mental challenges. They can also help people who are coping with tragedy or trauma.
This week, the Lexington City Council approved a policy for the use of a comfort dog by the Lexington Fire Department. The Comfort K9 Program will provide the Lexington Fire Department with their first ever comfort dog, Luna.
{Image: Public Use} Lexington Fire Department's new comfort k9 Luna hams it up for the camera. Luna is due to arrive in September 2024.
Luna, a red labrador retriever who’s anticipated arrival date is late September.
The policy from Comfort K9 and the complete details outlining the care of Luna can be viewed at: https://www.lexingtonnc.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/4615/638603732620900000.
A fund is being set up by the City of Lexington and donations are being accepted to plan for Luna’s future care and needs. These donations will be use specifically for the care of Luna. We will release the information as how you may contribute to Luna, as well as updates on Luna’s arrival in a few weeks.
{Image: Public Use}