

My #JackieRobinson Year is upon us

My #JackieRobinson Year is upon us

If you’re part of my world, offline, and/or on Facebook then you already know what today is.


Yes, birfday. With an ‘f’ not a ‘th’.

I’m 42 years young.

That may be hard for some to believe since they “remember when I was born.” I find it hard to believe myself because I blinked and 41 years went back FAST. Whew! I truly understand why adults would always warn my friends and I against wishing we were grown.

Can we take it back? Adulting is a borderline scam.

But its one hood, I’m blessed to live in. So while, I would go back to my days at North Carolina State University for a while if I could, I’ll continue to be grateful and thankful for the opportunity to grow older and wiser.

And that’s one of the main reasons why I celebrate the way that I do, EVERY YEAR. Cause yeah, if you aren’t familiar with how I roll, there’s nothing unique about about me making a big deal, this year, my Jackie Robinson year, about the day I was born. It’s been a big deal since I was a child. I’ve made sure of that. Ask my mama. Or my aunt. Or my cuzzins. Or my friends.

On May 12, it’s all about me. Actually, I make the whole month about me.

You may think that’s extreme. You may think that’s doing too much.

Eh well. I don’t! And I fail to understand why people don’t celebrate their birfdays and birf months like I do. I’m sure there are legit reasons which I may never understand. However, I believe every year you’re granted another year of life is worthy of all the pomp and circumstance you can muster up.

I don’t work on my birfday. I did one year and it was terrible! Vowed to never do it again.

In recent years, I’ve begun taking multiple days off around #KDay (cause birfdays deserve hashtags). Now dubbed, #MAYcation (thanks AK), those days are utilized to do whatever I want to do. They’re centered around rest, recharge, solitude, being, fun and food!

And next year I have a lofty goal that I need to start working on.

So, if you see me out within the next few days or this month, don’t hesitate to heap birfday wishes upon me. I love ‘em! With everything that’s happening around us and sometimes to us on a daily basis, I’m all about more life! We should never take for granted the life we live, even if it isn’t ideal.

I’m well aware that in my position, people may believe this is easy for me to say. Listen, life whoops me, too. There are some situations I wish I could wave my hand and change but that’s not how life works. And if I’ve learned nothing else, I know that it’s during those times we must plant our feet, focus on what’s ahead, dig deep for our belief in self, ask for help if we need it, take one step at a time and firmly know that we matter.

We can struggle and smile. We can hurt and have joy. We can be frustrated and optimistic. We can be discouraged and determined. We can wanna give up and wanna press forward. We can need a break, take a break and get back in the ring.

That’s the beauty of life.

Full of twists and turns. Ups and downs. Highs and lows. Lessons that’ll help us grow. Lessons that’ll expand our knowledge. Lessons that’ll prevent us from making mistakes that’ll have devastating consequences. Lessons that’ll make us see why we should respond with jubilance when the day of our birf is upon us.

I hope when your day comes, you’re as extra as you can be because you deserve it!

And if someone thinks you shouldn’t be, have ‘em call me. I’ve got your back!

Just make sure it’s after May 31 because this train is barreling down the tracks ‘til then.

Enjoy the National Holiday you all know and love cause you know I will :-).

*Special shout out to my birfday twins - my lil sis, Beth aka Beef, who turned 40 today; Mrs. Jean Borders (Ms. Jean), Albert Armstrong (Uncle Al), Michelle Chambers (Dr. Twin), Andrew Knopp (Mr. Stay Fly-I-I-I), Dollie Sierra, Shelly Skeen and my newly minted teenybopper twin, Elaine. It’s our day!!!

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