

Now More Than Ever: CIS of Lexington highlights the work of Lisa Timberlake

Now More Than Ever: CIS of Lexington highlights the work of Lisa Timberlake

Words cannot explain the joy and endless opportunities that CIS has granted me with throughout the 12 years of getting to know my mentor, Lisa Timberlake. I remember the first day, as if it were yesterday. At first, I didn’t know what to expect. I was in a rough spot in my life and everything good around me was crumbling down. I felt alone, and had nowhere to turn, but then Communities in Schools reached out to me and then my life began to change for the better.

As time went on, I learned that I have gained a very special person in my life. Someone I could look up to, and someone who expressed to me that it is okay to ask for help. Mrs. Timberlake might not know this, but she is like a mother to me. She has helped me throughout high school, college, and graduate school and even my crazy boyfriend problems. Throughout all that time she is still encouraging me to eat breakfast….and now as a grown woman I guess certain things just don’t stick with me, and breakfast is one.

Without this program I do not know where I would be today. Mentorship has been a huge part of my life and I am forever grateful that I was able to meet someone who has been nothing but a positive influence in my life. Thinking back to my 6th grade self, reminds me of kids today and what they might be going through; a mentor could have a positive effect on their lives, because it did for me.

Thank you, Aleesta “Sissy” Clodfelter

Communities in Schools of Lexington/Davidson County (CIS) - Drop Out Prevention program, serve students Pre-K through 12th grade in 24 schools located in the Lexington City and Davidson County school systems. Students who are potentially at-risk of staying on track each school year, receive supports to have a chance to overcome obstacles and eventually graduate on time. Our goals are to help young people successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life.

The Drop Out Prevention program consist of 5 basic principles: 1) building positive relationships; 2) a safe place to learn and grow; 3) a healthy start and a healthy finish; 4) a marketable skill to use upon graduation, and 5) a chance to give back to the community. CIS provides one-on-one case management support for students with various crisis, mentors to help build positive relationships, basic essentials such as school supplies, hygiene items, BackPack meals, clothing, and other resources to promote academic stability, motivating learning activities, and eliminate situational barriers to sustain long-term progress. The Drop Out Prevention program is one more "brick" of strength in our community's foundation, as organizations and individuals join together to help students in need. 98% of all students served through our program are impacted by poverty. Poverty has significant implications on how students will achieve educational goals, maintain issues related to mental and physical health, and having daily essentials. Poverty can define the lives of students needing help, but it doesn't reflect who they really are if they are given opportunities of hope, and CIS strive to be the "champion" of needed resources.

*Sponsored Content/ The United Way of Davidson County

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