

Now More Than Ever: YMCA puts Christian principles into practice through programs

Now More Than Ever: YMCA puts Christian principles into practice through programs

At the Y, we are unique and unlike any other non profit organization. We are a “thin place”. According to Celtic tradition, a thin place is where heaven and earth feel particularly close together. Where the distance between heaven and earth collapses and we are able to catch glimpses of the divine. While the Y seems a strange place to behold the holiness of God, it’s a place where all types of people are welcomed and a place where children are surrounded by love, a place where belonging, community and a sense of family are present for all. When you take those into consideration, perhaps it's not so strange after all. 

A large part of our “thin place” is the ability to partner with local community agencies to make our community a better, stronger and healthier place. When we partner together it helps to provide opportunities for kids, adults and families to become healthier and more confident individuals. Because of the United Way and private donors, we are able to support and strengthen our community in areas that otherwise we would struggle. 

In 2020, funding from the United Way and other donors allowed us to pivot, almost overnight, to provide childcare to emergency workers. Our families were so grateful to know that the Y was going to fill the gap in childcare so that they could continue to work on the frontlines. The Y continued to fill the gap as we transitioned from Emergency Childcare to E-Learning. 

E- learning was a breath of fresh air for parents and guardians who were struggling to keep up with an uncertain world. Staff at the Y heard time and time again that virtual learning was too much to do on top of working full time. Using United Way funds, and a whole lot of hope, the Y was able to step in, and not only provide typical childcare, but become tutors, encouragers, and be a sense of stability for kids who also were living in uncertain times. One parent commented “The help [her child] received from the Y staff was invaluable. Each day he came home with all his assignments completed, allowing our time at home to be free from completing school assignments.” 

Our E-Learning program also provided a sense of safety and security for a few children who were living in transient situations. The Y had seven families who did not have secured housing and who were doing virtual learning from cars, parking lots and shelters. When the Y received word of these situations, the children were welcomed and encouraged to come to the Y at a heavily subsidized rate. The Y knew those children needed to be in a consistent environment, and knowing that United Way funds were available made that possible. We are also thankful to our Annual Giving Campaign donors who helped fill the need. 

At the Y, our “thin” place is full of people who believe in the mission of the Y and the idea that we are better together. We are so thankful for the United Way and the funds it provides us. They are helping us invest in our tiniest community members ensuring the future of Lexington and Davidson County. 

Mission statement: The YMCA puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

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