

Political Opinion - From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: January 18, 2022

Political Opinion - From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: January 18, 2022

Dear Friends,

I hope you and your families have all had an exciting and productive start to the New Year. This is our first Raleigh Report for 2022 and I like you am hopeful for the year ahead.

Today in our country we remember and celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King whose fight for equality and justice inspire us to continue fighting for all Americans. Dr. King's message of love and acceptance is one that we should all attempt to emulate.

It has been a slow start to 2022 in the State Senate. This month I was appointed to four separate interim joint oversight committees including the Education Oversight Committee, the Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services, the Oversight Committee on Capital Improvements and the Oversight Committee on the North Carolina State Lottery.

This month I was also honored to receive the American Conservative Union Reward for Conservative Excellence. I am thankful to the work of the ACU and their great commitment to our nation. As your Senator I will never stop fighting for conservative values, limited government and fiscal responsibility.

In national news, the Supreme Court last week stopped a major effort to boost the national COVID-19 vaccine rate. The "vaccine-or-test" requirement will not be required for large private companies. The conservative majority court did allow the vaccine mandate to stand for medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid.

In NC redistricting news, the North Carolina Supreme Court will hear arguments Feb 2 for the state redistricting case. My colleague Sen. Warren Daniel said "Now that a bipartisan court unanimously validated the maps, the people of our state should be able to move on with the 2022 electoral process." I encourage you to read his full statement below.

By now in NC in the Eastern, Central and Western parts of our state have received heavy snow and rain. Remember to drive safely as winter weather in NC is extremely unpredictable. Attached in this week's newsletter is the newest NC Emergency Management Update on the winter storm. For additional resources on winter weather please visit

Lastly, this week I had the pleasure to meet with one of my young constituent Mr. Gabriel Lambeth and his father Mr. Philip Lambeth. Gabriel is currently a political science student and is interested in getting involved in politics. It is a great breath of fresh air to meet younger people interested in the political process and willing to serve! Thank you, Gabriel.

As always, thank you to our numerous constituents who continue to write, call, or email our office.

Senator Steve Jarvis,
NC District 29

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