Thank you, DL2 Birthday Club members
Cake made by Sinfully Delicious for our second birthday. {Antionette Kerr/Davidson Local}
Thank you to our first Birthday Club members!
We are celebrating all month!
Kivi Leroux Miller
Julie Dayvault'
Kelly Carrick
Iris Kaye Fitzgerald
John Buchanan
Rosalind Baker
Tina Royal
Deborah Arnold
Frankie Mefford
Maurice Atwood
Local journalism is a necessity. In many rural communities across the country, citizens rely heavily on their hometown newspapers to keep them informed daily. It’s the go to place for information about government meetings, schools, upcoming events, local hot topics, high school sports, churches and who recently passed away.
While the importance of local journalism remains, the emphasis on it, amidst a larger scale it has been thrust into a cycle of being swallowed up by larger media corporations. With an emphasis on regional and national headlines, local journalism has found itself fighting to be heard.
We have been first-hand witnesses to this phenomenon as it is happening in Davidson County. We identify the community need for a media outlet that is free, fast, reputable, fair, advanced, timely, innovative, proactive, unbiased and trustworthy. As social media communication channels expand, the ways in which news is produced and consumed must become adaptive or risk becoming obsolete.
For the reasons listed above, we to bring you Davidson Local.
With the help of interns, we hosted a small birthday celebration yesterday in honor of our DL2 anniversary! *More photos to come with Birthday Club announcements!
We extend a special thanks to administrative assistant Nandra Gant and LSHS interns Nierra Coleman & Sabita Jagnarain for helping to host this DL Family celebration.