

Now More than Ever: The Life Center offers fun, relief and respite

Now More than Ever: The Life Center offers fun, relief and respite

The Life Center of Davidson County

Since 1980, The Life Center of Davidson County, Inc. has been providing adult day care and health care services to older and disabled adults in Davidson and surrounding counties. 

The Life Center provides adult day health services to Client B, an 87 year-old female with diagnoses of: Alzheimer’s disease, GERD/Reflux, Depression and Arthritis. Client B was enrolled in The Life Center in February of 2020 for socialization and respite for her daughter who is her primary caregiver. Client B is monitored for her dementia related behaviors at The Life Center.

She has a history of wandering from her home to unsafe environments, such as public roadways. The Life Center provides a safe and secure environment where she can wander with supervision to ensure she does not endanger herself. The Life Center staff is trained to redirect and respond to her behaviors. Staff provide diversions through various activities. Client B is observed enjoying listening to music and singing with her fellow participants. Client B’s daughter has reported she has benefited from the respite she receives when her mother attends The Life Center. The daughter states she suffers from multiple chronic diseases and has been able to focus more on her own health and schedule her much needed doctor appointments. She also reports she cares for her grandchildren during the day. She stated by having her mother attend The Life Center, her stress has been lowered and she has had more time to care for her grandchildren.

Caregiver stress is an often-unrecognized issue in the care of older and disabled adults. Being a caregiver, while rewarding, is also an isolating endeavor. This isolation can lead to a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Family members must navigate the full-time care of their loved one’s mental, emotional and physical care while at the same time balancing their own family, work and personal life. The task can seem overwhelming. Evidence shows that most caregivers are ill-prepared for their role and provide care with little or no support, yet more than one-third of caregivers continue to provide intense care to others while suffering from poor health themselves. This stress leads to a decrease in quality care for the loved one and negatively impacts the quality of life for the caregiver and other family members.

The Mission of The Life Center of Davidson County, Inc. is to provide high quality daytime care to older and impaired adults and to help improve the quality of life for them and their caregivers by offering support, relief, respite and counsel. We serve both participants and their families from all areas of Davidson County. 

The Life Center is for someone who is: 

 Able to benefit from a therapeutic activity program.

 Able to benefit from the companionship of others. 

 Able to transfer from a wheelchair to a chair with minimal assistance.

 Able to adapt to the group setting both physically and mentally.

 Able to feed him/herself independently or with cueing.

 Able to benefit from bowel/bladder program.

 Not disruptive or is not verbally or physically harmful to others.

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