All in Community Events

Blanket drive and author signing to benefit House of Paws Dog Rescue

Authors Donna Girouard and Janice Boyles will be with us, along with the House of Paws Dog Rescue, for an author signing and blanket drive for foster dogs. Do you have some clean, used blankets that will help keep some puppers warm this winter? Bring them Saturday, Dec. 17 and meet the authors in person. Books will be available for purchase

Lexington Board of Education to meet in closed session Dec 6

The Board will enter into closed session in accordance with G.S 143-318.11 (a) (6) to discuss personnel matters, G.S. 143-318.11 (a) (3) for attorney-client privilege, and G.S. 143- 318.11(a)(1) to prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to State or Federal law or not considered a public record within Chapter 132 of the N.C General Statutes.

Lexington Choral Society welcomes 50th Anniversary Dec. 3

With a festive theme of Welcome to December, the Lexington Choral Society will celebrate its 50th season with traditional carols and a few new additions. "People can expect the usual quality of music that the choral society does," said business manager Melonie Rector. The former assistant conductor noted that a mix of approximately 40 former and current members perform on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 5 p.m. The runtime for the show is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. "We are glad to be back after COVID. We sang last year but we sang in masks. We’ve got a big group of people who have sung in the past who haven’t been singing for a couple of years."

Op-Ed: Shop big on small business Saturday

Saturday, November 26, is Small Business Saturday – a day set aside each year to celebrate and support small businesses all across the United States for all they do in our local communities. In Lexington and Davidson County, that means all the local businesses we know and love and would be hard-pressed to imagine our main streets and greater communities without.