City schedules celebration of Black History Month.
All in Community Events
City schedules celebration of Black History Month.
¡Hay que celebrar el día de San Valentín! Es la época más hermosa del año, y ya sea que admires a alguien, desprecies un ex amante, o simplemente quieres demostrarte algo de amor, ¡tenemos el evento para ti!
There are several local events planned for Valentine’s Day. Show some love to and have dome fun at the same time.
The Lexington Farmers Market is gearing up for a exciting year and seeking new vendors to add to their ever growing foster of great products.
Lexington Friends of the Library offer great used books for sale.
The Lexington community gathers at St. Stephen UMC to discuss the next steps for memorializing graves of formerly enslaved people of African descent.
The local Eta Beta Beta chapter of Omega Psi Phi holds annual talent competition
Every child dreams of meeting their favorite character from the books they read and the television shows that they watch. Join the Davidson County Public Library this weekend for “Take Your Child To The Library Day”.
The Lexington Book Festival celebrates a second year of excellence in Uptown Lexington.
Free income tax prep sites are open in Davidson County.
Lexington City Schools secures grant to aid with campus security.
There are numerous fun events planned locally that are great for the entire family.
The Davidson County Rescue Squad unveils exciting news.
The Unity United Methodist Church in Thomasville, NC in Davidson County will be providing shelter for the community by opening their church to men who are in need.
Here are some great local events to fill your calendar for the last weeks of January.
This is a yearly activity that fire crews complete as a way to make sure all our firefighters, new and old, are aware of building layouts and potential building hazards they may encounter in the event of a fire.
The Lexington NAACP 37th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet was a success.
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., there will be the annual parade on Monday, January 15, beginning at 1:00 PM on Main Street in Lexington. There will also be a youth art exhibit and gallery held at the Arts Davidson County on 202 North Main Street at 5:00 PM. The exhibit will showcase the artwork done by youths from grades K-12, with an award presented to the winners. So come on down to the parade and exhibit! Let’s all remember and celebrate the impact of Martin Luther King Jr. this Monday.
Emy Garrett retires from Lexington City Schools after decades of service.
¡Saludos a la comunidad de Davidson Local! Ya mero es el día de Martin Luther King, este 15 de Enero, ¡y queríamos compartir unas actividades divertidas para celebrar este evento!