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Blessing Children in Need Blesses Us Too: How First Reformed UCC Works with Charles England Elementary School

Those of us who are the people of faith who call First Reformed United Church of Christ our spiritual home are fervent believers that children should be able to experience the love of God through the ministry of the church and individuals who represent it. Therefore, a ministry to children and youth in our community is always in our motivations, because they are the Church’s future.

Holy Week: First Reformed UCC offers interactive worship experiences

First Reformed invites the public to come to “The Stations of Holy Week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Holy Week, April 14-16, 2022. This is a walk-through, multi-sensory worship experience for all ages. After entering the sanctuary, you will go to different interactive prayer stations that depict scenes from the last week of Jesus’ life.

Introducing the "Know Your Farmer" series!

The 2022 Davidson County Farm Tour is a community and education outreach event hosted by Davidson County Local Food Network (DCLFN). DCLFN is the county's food council which is a network composed of farmers, food producers, health advocates who work towards building an equitable and resilient food system for the health and economic welfare of the community.

Want to serve others and your community? First Reformed UCC welcomes you

Are you looking for a new way to help others, serve your community, give back, or act on your faith? First Reformed United Church of Christ in Uptown Lexington manages more than a dozen community services or ministries that need community members like you so that we can grow and serve even more people. You do not need to attend First Reformed or even go to church at all to participate and serve your community. All are welcome!

We are celebrating Women's History Month

In true Davidson Local style, we will honor the month with stories that not only weave information into the telling but engage emotions and energy. Groups of women will be featured this month to represent action, transition, leadership and compassion in our local community. Stories will include local perspectives from an array of collaborators.