Additional summer food resources were announced for children and teens through the SUN programs for summer nutrition.
All in Caught Doing Good
Additional summer food resources were announced for children and teens through the SUN programs for summer nutrition.
Local Residents Honored by The Arc of Davidson County.
Patricia Baker of Davidson County was named the 2024-25 DSS Director of the Year at the North Carolina Association of County Directors of Social Services (NCACDSS) Annual Meeting held at Wrightsville Beach, NC.
NCDHHS, Division of Aging Deputy Director presents state award to local honoree.
To begin your path to personal transportation contact the CARes Program of Davidson County at 336- 840-1555 or visit their website at: for more information on how to apply. Or If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Melinda Beauchamp at or by phone at 336-840-1555.
Hospice of Davidson County designated national ranking as Hospice Honors Award recipient.
Take a local stand against human trafficking at an event in Lexington on May 18.
The Race Unification Committee (RUC) of First Presbyterian Church is offering a free film series to generate positive and open discussions about how we relate to race.
The Lexington Area Habitat for Humanity just made the dream of homeownership a reality for two local, hardworking, deserving families.
Public invited to Community Solutions meeting for clarity on new homeless shelter and other projects.
Local First Responders invited to event in their honor.
The City of Thomasville Beautification Committee is doing something about the litter in Thomasville by announcing their Litter Sweep Program to help keep the city clean and beautiful.
Davidson County Transportation System received a Safety Award for Rural Transportation Systems.
Free rabies clinic today in Lexington at the Davidson County Health Department.
First Reformed United Church of Christ and it’s First UCC Arts Series are excited to announce an evening of candlelight and music.
The Davidson county Special Olympic Spring Games is this Friday, April 12 at Central Davidson High School beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Smart Start of Davidson is announced the release of their 24-25 NC Pre K Application on March 15, 2024. NC Pre K is a Free Pre-Kindergarten program for eligible children and families.
Kara Cody and Kathy Sallee were recently presented the Servant’s Heart Award by Civitan International.
The room was filled at a banquet in honor of Carissa Loflin, a teacher in Davidson County Schools.
Anything For Our Youth Group, Inc. is excited to announce the launch of our newest initiative, the Anything For Our Youth Group Community Garden.